Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Apocalypse... Fantasy... Indecision... and more!

Being home all the time lends me to either be lazy and play WoW or sit and do some modelling and painting. SOMEHOW I've been able to do a little of both.

Rumors are there is an upcoming in store (Readers Comics) Apocalypse game to help promote the store and go in tune with the release of the new Imperial Guard stuff. Rules are this is a painted only game so I've been getting on stuff I've been neglecting! I will be playing an all Imperium army. Small force of Marines, Imperial Guard and Inquisition.

Here's some rhinos for my Sisters of Battle, the Order of the Rekindled Flame.

Yup... huge work in progress. I am having a helluva time with vehicles and I don't know why. I need to go back and soften up the drybrushing. I'll be seeing what washes my work hand in hand with the vomit brown base/bleached bone highlighting. Also gonna do some wear, especially on the left side rhino.

And of course, through all this, I have actually been working on Fantasy stuff. There's another line called Confrontation. From what I understand the game is bunk and their new minis are all prepainted. Readers brought in a buncha the old metal ones and have them on for cheap, cheap, cheap. I have grabbed a good 20 or so of various types for various armies. In the bunch were their version of ogres... some neat models that I see some good purpose in. My purpose? Maneaters for the soon to be Ogre Kingdoms army! A good variety of great weapons, brace of guns and Cathayan Longswords in here (or both!). They don't look like much now but I expect after some green stuffing and painting they'll be alright and unique.

The first one is the first one I did. He's very obviously a pirate theme. He may go with either the longsword or the brace so I modelled him for both! He is supposed to be walking from a beach onto a boardwalk btw.

And his buddy! (not attached, just put there to show you my plan!)

And the rest. I really like the russian style drummer and the elephant masked one!

Yet more Confrontation turned WHFB... in the end likely a troll.

And more! This one, after some more greenstuffing, will be Throgg, the monster king from the Warriors of Chaos army. I absolutely LOVE this model. It's so beefy and intimidating.

I am thinking of trying out some Dragon Ogres as well. My current plan thanks to a fella on Warseer is to combine Black Ork torsos with Cold Ones bodies. I may even do Kholek Suneater using a Carnosaur and a LotR Troll. Any other ideas I could use?

COMMENTS! PLEASE! And tell your friends.

1 comment:

  1. Use a forge world chaos giant and a LotR Olyphant body with a crap load of green stuff armor. if you are going to do Suneater, dont make it suckass
    Also, trogg is supposed to have a mouth as a stomach and should be wearing crowns he stole, your models are awesome, but you should be more in tune with the lore..."git down withe the lore and rule on the battletables" rick priestly
