Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Here's a bit I worked on today:


TANKS! Firepower, baby! All are being done for my guard: 2 Leman Russ', a Leman Russ Demolisher and a Hellhound.

Monday, March 23, 2009

More Warboss!

A little bit more work down on the Warboss, as part of the 250 pts for this month's Tale of MORKS Gamers.

I added some tubes and hoses to him... cybork body and all!

And from behind.

Annnnnnd... in comparison to the actual unmodified AoBR boss.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Upate on Tale of MORKS Gamers:

Nobz are all assembled (5) and primed. Here is my in progress Warboss... a teaser if you will. I am modifying him from the Assault on Black Reach model. Comment!!

I decided, late late last night, that I should try greenstuff. I've had the body of this character for a while. He was going to be an eviscerator wielding priest for my guard and/or sisters of battle but I couldn't figure out how to do it... that is until I looked at the extra parts my cannoness came with. I am greenstuffing some billowing sleeves on him to connect the pieces. So far... so... eh. I am waiting for them to harden over a couple days before doing a bit of sanding/grinding/etching. They might even work as is. They're the right shape and all but we'll see.

And to add to my growing apocalypse force, these Rackham minis shall be used as Vindicare Assassins. I'll be using the Officio Assassinorium datasheet and fielding 4 vindicares. I also have an Eversor painted and hope to get 2 more purchased and painted before then as well.

Friday, March 20, 2009


Here are a couple mostly done Inquisition Chimeras. They cart around the IST's I generally field. I figured a straight black and red worked as the troopers themselves are the same color. Again... I hate painting vehicles.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Apocalypse... Fantasy... Indecision... and more!

Being home all the time lends me to either be lazy and play WoW or sit and do some modelling and painting. SOMEHOW I've been able to do a little of both.

Rumors are there is an upcoming in store (Readers Comics) Apocalypse game to help promote the store and go in tune with the release of the new Imperial Guard stuff. Rules are this is a painted only game so I've been getting on stuff I've been neglecting! I will be playing an all Imperium army. Small force of Marines, Imperial Guard and Inquisition.

Here's some rhinos for my Sisters of Battle, the Order of the Rekindled Flame.

Yup... huge work in progress. I am having a helluva time with vehicles and I don't know why. I need to go back and soften up the drybrushing. I'll be seeing what washes my work hand in hand with the vomit brown base/bleached bone highlighting. Also gonna do some wear, especially on the left side rhino.

And of course, through all this, I have actually been working on Fantasy stuff. There's another line called Confrontation. From what I understand the game is bunk and their new minis are all prepainted. Readers brought in a buncha the old metal ones and have them on for cheap, cheap, cheap. I have grabbed a good 20 or so of various types for various armies. In the bunch were their version of ogres... some neat models that I see some good purpose in. My purpose? Maneaters for the soon to be Ogre Kingdoms army! A good variety of great weapons, brace of guns and Cathayan Longswords in here (or both!). They don't look like much now but I expect after some green stuffing and painting they'll be alright and unique.

The first one is the first one I did. He's very obviously a pirate theme. He may go with either the longsword or the brace so I modelled him for both! He is supposed to be walking from a beach onto a boardwalk btw.

And his buddy! (not attached, just put there to show you my plan!)

And the rest. I really like the russian style drummer and the elephant masked one!

Yet more Confrontation turned WHFB... in the end likely a troll.

And more! This one, after some more greenstuffing, will be Throgg, the monster king from the Warriors of Chaos army. I absolutely LOVE this model. It's so beefy and intimidating.

I am thinking of trying out some Dragon Ogres as well. My current plan thanks to a fella on Warseer is to combine Black Ork torsos with Cold Ones bodies. I may even do Kholek Suneater using a Carnosaur and a LotR Troll. Any other ideas I could use?

COMMENTS! PLEASE! And tell your friends.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Some more Warriors of Chaos!

I've done a little more work on my marauder/monster themed Warriors of Chaos army. Here's a nearly done hero/lord type. Mark of Khorne, baby! Looking at the photos I took I realize I want to do some more washes to tie the blending in together a bit more. Also realize I need to maybe water down my paints just a tad more so they look smoother.

Here is another! I did some conversion work on him. Some may recognize this particular model as a Nurgle Champion. I replaced the head with a marauder one, cut off the sword and replaced it with an axe and put a shield over one shoulder. I tried grinding down the Nurgle marks but it wasn't working well so figured I'd put a nice undivided mark on it instead. He's likely gonna be my BSB. I am thinking I may plant a banner on the base to represent him as such.

And as always... please comment! That way I know who's checking it out!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tale of MORKS Gamers February... and marauders!

I said I'd put up my Tale of MORKS Gamers stuff and here it is! Zagstruk, boyz and the first 250 as a group! Pardon the shiny light contrast stuff. This picture taking is new to me. And yes... apparently I like red.

And these are my first painted Warriors of Chaos! Khorne Marauder Horsemen. I made the red specifically dark and grimy. They are barbarians after all, the theme of the army more or less, so wouldn't keep as good watch on their gear. They want effectiveness not prettiness.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Month 2 Declarations and month 1 work

Long time no talk!

So I _DO_ have all my month 1 stuff done (for the Tale of Many Gamers at MORKS) but am waiting to put pics up until the local guys have seen it.

Month 2 is starting as well. I am taking it fairly easy this month as I want to do a heavy conversion piece (one of my biggest projects thus far) and have some commission work and other stuff I want to do. I am doing a Warboss and some nobz. Simple... or is it!

Adding onto the Warboss I'd like to mention the newest White Dwarf. It has a fantastic painting article for orks. Check it out, it's a really neat way to do skin.

Onwards... hoooooooooooo.